Saturday, October 18, 2008


I am guessing that if you are reading this right now you probably already know that we (James and Heather Blewett) are pregnant. (I never really understood that because my wife is the pregnant one) We found out on Wednesday October 15, 2008, and it was one of the greatest days of my life.

Heather has had a few pregnancy tests around the house, but she had them hidden because she was tempted to try every day. She had some symptoms and some real suspicions this time and so before school she was looking for the test that she had hidden. She couldn't remember where she hid it. Luckily I had just ran across it the week before. She took it and I was preparing myself for the "It's okay, you'll be pregnant one day" speech... but to my utter surprise and joy, she had two lines. (that's a good thing)

I was teaching chapel that morning and so I was trying to keep my mind fresh on how Jesus talked in Matthew 13 about the Kingdom of Heaven being like yeast in bread that spreads throughout the loaf, but all I could think about was babies. My wife took another test (never can be too sure) and then she went to get blood work. The doctor was to call at one in the afternoon and I could not concentrate. Heather got ahold of the doctor at 1:01 p.m. (he was late) and we found out that she was pregnant in the back of her classroom during naptime at NorthRidge Christian Academy.

We now understand that our lives will never be the same again, and we couldn't be happier. Our prayer right now is very simple... that our child will love God and love His Word. Please pray that along with us if you are led.

This blog will be updated with news like official duedates, sonograms, and we will get a Heather before and after picture. (for the sake of our future child) We hope that you will comment and subscribe and become one of our followers and walk alongside of us on this beautiful journey called parenting.

Thank you all and check back frequently for more.


Christi said...

I think it's great you guys are blogging throughout Heather's pregnancy! ;-) Take lots of pictures of her belly now (even though she isn't showing)... you will be amazed at how much God will transform her body to care for your little one... Congratulations again! Soooo exciting!!!!

Jenny Cordero said...

I am so happy for you both! You guys will be amazing parents!

Tara Denning said...

Congrats again! This web site is really cool. Thanks for sharing your happiness with everyone.

Unknown said...

What a wonderful time in your life! I'm so excited for the three(or more) of you. God is Good! This precious gift loaned to you for awhile will change your life, challenge your life, and forever bless you in ways you can't imagine. I know with God's leadership you two with be such awesome parents! I will prayer for you in this new beginning era of your life. I trust that I can make a spiritual investment into your precious childs life as you have made in our childrens lives. May you be richly blessed by our Heavenly Father and kept close in His care. Love ya and very excited for you!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i am glad everything is going welll and you are feeling good, not I understand that you were having cravings for meatbalss and spghetti when we went to Olive Garden last Saturday. God Bless all thre of yoy. Mike your father-in-law